Wednesday 18 February 2009

OMG!!!!!! an update

So, yeh, it's been a while ne? Anywho, i took quite a break from FF at the end of last year, i'd been playing constantly for so long it just got the better of me heh. So yeh, i was pretty non-existent in ol' FF land for 4-5 months, but since being back... woooo things have picked up.

After getting DRG to 68 (slow going i know) i took SAM to 75 FINALLY. Seriously, that took so long it was embarrassing. Also, i've actually put some effort in (not much mind you) on COR and reached 34 with it, almost 35 :o I'm still playing catch up to Miry (naturally) but for me to play a support job even this far is a miracle in itself.

Added to this you have the fact that i'm back in to endgame now, though it's left me with near enough NO free time. I'm cramming 2 sea runs, 2 sky runs and a dynamis run into monday-friday and having a great time, but may take the odd day off to work on a job or something. Will try and keep this place updated on whatever i receive for my efforts ^^.

And in finishing... I finally have my first Dynamis piece! It sucks balls, but hey, i got sick of never getting a drop lol. Warrior's Lorica is now mine! just no use for it XD.

Until next time.


Oh! alsmot forgot @_@... WELCOME BACK MIRY! We all missed you so much ^^