Hey! Left it a while since my last post eh? ah well ^^ here I am!
Ok, so let's see what we have to round up this time...
For the past 2 years i've been playing on, effectively, a broken monitor, the red tube was bust so I haven't had full colour at all ><. I got a new (old) monitor yesterday from my dad though, so finally I can play properly :D I was so shocked to find out the Jaridah Peti wasn't yellow lol. Anywho, as a result, i've also seen how the last few screenshots i posted look on a normal screen, and i have to apologise for the awful quality. I'll post better quality ones from here on out!
So! Let's start with my recent Dynamis run, Dynamis-San d'Oria. This is only my third ever Dynamis run, and i'm happy to say my second win ^^. It lasted a looong time though... i really need to rethink thing's if i want to do Dynamis AND eat at a normal time lol. Anyway, we had a pretty good haul on AF drops. PLD, SMN, MNK, RDM and NIN gear dropped, plus a number of Relic weapons. I offer my congratulations to those who recieved their drops ^^. I've built up enough points now to start bidding aswell, so let's hope I can update in the near future about my newly acquired armour!
Moving on, I took a break from DRG this week to finally put an end to my 4 year battle with WHM. I hate the job, absolutely detest it, but it's one of those thing's that just has to be done, so with a hefty burning of my Anniversary Ring (only 1 charge left now ; ;) I finally powered my way through to 37. My final party last night was great, but i desperately wanted to punch two members. The THF who acted like she was god's gift to FF and complained continuously about SATA messing up, and the WHM who subbed PUP and didn't have Silena at lvl 35 -_-. Ah well, I persevered and i'll never have to touch that job again :D Though i will say it was worth it... PLD/WHM is hawt in campaign.
I did manage to pick up my Drachen finger Gauntlets however, so that now places me at 3/5 on DRG AF. Soloing Darkspark was fun! Looking forward to completing my fourth set of AF ^^. While on that subject... Congratulations to Arnor on recieving some Samurai AF, gimme a shout if you need help with the rest =).
I also did a spot of meriting (which i rarely ever do) because Miryoku asked me if i wanted in on her party with Arnor. Since i'm rarely one to ever turn down a friend, i grabbed my WAR and headed to Whitegate. The party was... buff @_@. Two of our members had Maat caps and some really nice gear. I felt kinda gimpy especially since, for the first few fights, I was getting outdamaged by the Taru WAR ; ; But i pulled it together, threw on my O.Hat and leveled the playing field. Thing's got a little hectic since we started recieving competition from a BRD puller, but we managed to keep a relatively steady stream of exp running and no deaths, so no complaints here ^^. Let's do it again guys!
Finally, I caved in and made a mule. I'm just struggling for space so much these days, i needed the extra -_-. I'm building up gil slowly on it aswell, but hopefully if i don't touch it for a while i should get a nice payout when i need it ^^.
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Well then, where to start @_@. So, over the past two days or so I've been up to a bit. Arnor's been on at me like a woman for a few weeks now to get a Soboro, and since Cyprias was starting a run, asked if i wanted to go. I had nothing else on at the time so figured why not. Thing's got off to a slow start... by slow i mean we finally started about 90 minutes after gathering together because we had to wait for a few stragglers lol. Anywho, it probably wasn't the cleanest run we could have had, we got two drops, one non-drop and two wipes >< (well three wipes since we wiped twice on the final one XD). All in all it could have gone better, but i'm not complaining. It was fun to spend time with Cyprias and Arnor ^^.
Later folks!
(I forgot to grab an SS of the fight, but here's us recovering after one of the wipes ^^)
Anyway, moving on... The next day i did a bit more DRG soloing, really gonna have to leave my camp by the end of 53 ; ; The exp just isn't cutting it any more. However, I took some time out from picking on the local wildlife to get myself some armour :D
(A BIG thanks to Saxon and Arael for helping me with the quest ^.^)
But that's not all! Later the same day I also (finally) recieved my first piece of Assault armour! I had to put in so much effort leeching the assaults from Drow, but the effort paid off in the end ^^.(Now for the real challenge... 11k Assault points before I can get my Amir Boots... Let's make it happen people!)
Even LATER the same day I jumped on a KS30 run. Turned out to be a bit of a waste really, only worthwhile drop was a D.Ingot so it was split between the BLM's and myself. I got 69k out of it though, which beats the usual 10-20k I normally make without a V.Claw dropping. I did however recieve a Rampager aswell, now i'm just debating whether to break the latent and swap it for my Byakko's Axe. Byakko's has served me well for many a month now, but as with some of my gear recently, I'm getting very bored of looking at it. It's made worse by the fact I'd been using the Demon and Gigant range of Great Axe's previous to obtaining it, so effectively been stuck with the same weapon model since as far back as the early 40's.
Aaaaaanywho, FINALLY, I started farming my coffer key for my next DRG AF in Quicksand Caves... it didn't go so well. Two hours in, i got joined by the wonderful Miryoku, easily one of (if not THE) greatest Thief's on the game. The kills mounted, but sadly no key drop. Guess i'll try a different cave's entrance today and hope for the best ^^.
(Miry's like the hulk... she likes to destroy stuff... but she's not green and half naked o.o)
Later folks!
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Fun with Dragoon.
So, after the horrendous "no invite" night, things couldn't get any worse surely... Well, they didn't :D I decided to try my hand at soloing while I seeked, just as I reached my planned camp I received an invite ^^. Clearly someone, somewhere felt sorry for me, and that's the kind of pity is could get used to :D.
Anywho, I figured i'd treat myself to some new gear before we started. On Dragoon I tend to pull a lot of hate, that was made worse by the introduction of Penta Thrust to my arsenal of thing to make mobs bleed. So, I picked me up some Crow gear... Jupon and Hose. These are awesome for 2 main reasons...
1: They cut my enmity down so much, I don't have to worry nearly as much anymore about pulling too much hate and tanking on a job that, well... really isn't up to the task.
2: I can finally get out of that ugly ass Brigandine + Subligar setup that I detest. It really helps that Crow looks so dapper :D
So anyway, we decided to hit up the Quicksand Caves and cause a bit of a ruckus with the locals. Exp was constant, but kinda slow really. Maybe it was the higher end of the party cutting exp, but I can't complain too much. What I will complain about however, was the fact our SAM puller found it impossible to pull ANYTHING without getting a damn link going. Almost every time he had to zone, so we were a DD down for a fair portion of most of the mobs, but at least I got to shine as the main DD :D
I hit 50 and equipped my Crow. Now that I was looking quite smartly dressed, it was down to the real business. Popped my anniversary ring and proceeded to rack up the body count. I feel a bit of guilt for every beetle I kill, as they really aren't causing anyone any harm then suddenly they have me jumping on them (literally). The Antican's however... they deserve what they get! Sadly thing came up after a while and I had to leave, one fight short of finishing the ring charge. No worries though, I was close to 51 so figured another party later or tomorrow would clear that up nicely.
However, that wasn't to be. Back to the good ol' fashioned seeking... and seeking... and seeking some more. So I figured sod it and returned to my solo camp from earlier in the day. Now, I'm not looking to get myself killed, (god know's how i'm so talented at it though), so my camp was comprised of Easy Prey - Decent Challenge Colibri and Ladybugs. This place turned out so much better than i had hoped. The exp stayed pretty much at 50 per kill, (50 for DC, 47 for EP... don't ask me how SE worked that one out), so it was hardly gonna blast me to 75 any time soon, but it was easy and, most importantly, FAST. I also noticed that, along with the exp gradually building up, I was amassing quite a bundle of items. Colibri beaks and feathers, Ladybug wings and what i'm really happy about, a good horde of Beastman seals :D
This all resulted in about 20k gil which is fairly modest considering I was never out there to make gil in the first place. I managed to solo over 6k into 51, so i'm planning to hit 52 some time tomorrow morning ^^. Also, i'm not entirely sure why, maybe it's the bleached out colours or what, but East Ronfaure [S] is such a relaxing place to spend your time. It's a really nice area to look at, which makes the time there even more enjoyable, which is the main thing, I actually ENJOYED my time soloing for once ^_^. I'm gonna be sad when I inevitably bid that camp farewell, but i'll hopefully move on to a better place!
(and no... I don't mean the afterlife >.>)
Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Ahoy hoy, Frag here, taking my first steps into the world of FFXI blogging :o. Ok, I tell a lie there, I actually had an old MSN space which I used to use for the same kinda thing, but that was when I was still only a lowly lvl 50 Paladin. Anyway, a few of my friends seem to have these blogs, so I figured why don't I try aswell ^_^.
That said, i'm TERRIBLE at coming up with titles for stuff like this, so i set my winamp playlist to random and picked the first song I landed on, which just so happened to be The Azure from the album Kirite by Yasunori Mitsuda. I can't be happier with this choice, as he is easily on a par with Nobuo Uematsu as far as video game composing goes. The song, along with Is Kirite Burning Up? and Circle of Eternity can be heard here, along with Distant Worlds from FFXI and Art of Life by X Japan (hey, it wouldn't be me without some Jpop/Jrock now would it ^_~). I'm hoping to add some new music regularly to the playlist, so stay tuned!
That said, i'm TERRIBLE at coming up with titles for stuff like this, so i set my winamp playlist to random and picked the first song I landed on, which just so happened to be The Azure from the album Kirite by Yasunori Mitsuda. I can't be happier with this choice, as he is easily on a par with Nobuo Uematsu as far as video game composing goes. The song, along with Is Kirite Burning Up? and Circle of Eternity can be heard here, along with Distant Worlds from FFXI and Art of Life by X Japan (hey, it wouldn't be me without some Jpop/Jrock now would it ^_~). I'm hoping to add some new music regularly to the playlist, so stay tuned!
Anyway, I don't have a huge lot to post about at the moment, mostly just getting this blog up and running. I had a crap night last night though, 6 hours altogether seeking on Dragoon and not even a "tnl?" to show for it ; ;. I knew Dragoon didn't get invites as fast as other jobs, but I almost wanted to hang myself by the time I logged off. Oh well, i'll battle on and get it to 75 eventually, one more level until i can start questing Artifact! woo!
Until next time ^_^
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