Saturday, 24 May 2008

Dynamis, Whitemage and a Galka :o

Hey! Left it a while since my last post eh? ah well ^^ here I am!

Ok, so let's see what we have to round up this time...

For the past 2 years i've been playing on, effectively, a broken monitor, the red tube was bust so I haven't had full colour at all ><. I got a new (old) monitor yesterday from my dad though, so finally I can play properly :D I was so shocked to find out the Jaridah Peti wasn't yellow lol. Anywho, as a result, i've also seen how the last few screenshots i posted look on a normal screen, and i have to apologise for the awful quality. I'll post better quality ones from here on out!

So! Let's start with my recent Dynamis run, Dynamis-San d'Oria. This is only my third ever Dynamis run, and i'm happy to say my second win ^^. It lasted a looong time though... i really need to rethink thing's if i want to do Dynamis AND eat at a normal time lol. Anyway, we had a pretty good haul on AF drops. PLD, SMN, MNK, RDM and NIN gear dropped, plus a number of Relic weapons. I offer my congratulations to those who recieved their drops ^^. I've built up enough points now to start bidding aswell, so let's hope I can update in the near future about my newly acquired armour!

Moving on, I took a break from DRG this week to finally put an end to my 4 year battle with WHM. I hate the job, absolutely detest it, but it's one of those thing's that just has to be done, so with a hefty burning of my Anniversary Ring (only 1 charge left now ; ;) I finally powered my way through to 37. My final party last night was great, but i desperately wanted to punch two members. The THF who acted like she was god's gift to FF and complained continuously about SATA messing up, and the WHM who subbed PUP and didn't have Silena at lvl 35 -_-. Ah well, I persevered and i'll never have to touch that job again :D Though i will say it was worth it... PLD/WHM is hawt in campaign.

I did manage to pick up my Drachen finger Gauntlets however, so that now places me at 3/5 on DRG AF. Soloing Darkspark was fun! Looking forward to completing my fourth set of AF ^^. While on that subject... Congratulations to Arnor on recieving some Samurai AF, gimme a shout if you need help with the rest =).

I also did a spot of meriting (which i rarely ever do) because Miryoku asked me if i wanted in on her party with Arnor. Since i'm rarely one to ever turn down a friend, i grabbed my WAR and headed to Whitegate. The party was... buff @_@. Two of our members had Maat caps and some really nice gear. I felt kinda gimpy especially since, for the first few fights, I was getting outdamaged by the Taru WAR ; ; But i pulled it together, threw on my O.Hat and leveled the playing field. Thing's got a little hectic since we started recieving competition from a BRD puller, but we managed to keep a relatively steady stream of exp running and no deaths, so no complaints here ^^. Let's do it again guys!

Finally, I caved in and made a mule. I'm just struggling for space so much these days, i needed the extra -_-. I'm building up gil slowly on it aswell, but hopefully if i don't touch it for a while i should get a nice payout when i need it ^^.

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